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You will conclude a written contract with the childcare provider. This contains the agreements you make with the childcare provider. The contract must contain the following information:

  1. Name and address of the childcare centre
  2. The LRK number of the childcare centre where your child is placed.
  3. Type of care: daycare, childcare, childminder* or out-of-school care (BSO)
  4. Name, date of birth and address of your child
  5. Name and address of (both) parents
  6. Start date and end date of the childcare
  7. Number of childcare hours per year
  8. Number of half-day childcare sessions per week
  9. Price per hour
  10. Price per month and year
  11. Your own signature, the signature of the childcare provider and the date

For more information on childminding contracts, go toĀ 

If you use a childminder, You need two contracts. One contract is concluded with the childminder. This contract must contain items 1 to 11 in the list above.

You also have a contract with the childminder agency. The contract between you and the childminder agency must contain the following items:

– items 2 to 11 in the list opposite/above
– name and address of the childminder
– name and address of the childminder agency
– the LRK numbers of the childminder and the childminder agency
– the mediation fees charged by the childminder agency

For more information on childminding contracts, go toĀ