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Benefit partner

For childcare benefit, the benefits agency (Toeslagen) does not refer to a ‘partner’ but a ‘benefit partner‘. If you have a benefit partner, both of your incomes count toward the benefit. 

This can be your spouse or a registered partner. 
However, someone else who is registered at your address can also be your benefit partner. This is so if  one of the following situations applies:

  1. You have signed a co-occupancy contract with the notary.
  2. You have a child together.
  3. You or your partner recognised a child of the other.
  4. You are a partner for a pension scheme.
  5. You own a house together and both live there.
  6. You or one of your co-occupants has a live-in child under the age of 18. Is your co-occupant a subtenant? Then you are not each other’s benefit partner.
  7. You were already each other’s benefit partner last year.

Visit the Toeslagen website for additional explanation on your benefit partner. 

Not sure who your benefit partner is? 
You can use the tool ‘Do I have a benefit partner?’ on the Toeslagen website to determine whether you have a benefit partner. You then have to answer several questions. Click on this link to go to the Toeslagen tool.