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Guide to applying for childcare benefit (kinderopvangtoeslag)

If you are entitled to the childcare benefit, you can apply for it via the Toeslagen website. Want to know when you are entitled to the childcare benefit? Then click on the following link: 

When are you entitled to childcare benefit?

Please note! Before you apply, find out if you are entitled to childcare benefit. Are you not entitled to the childcare benefit, but are stilly applying for it? Then you will have to repay everything. This is because Toeslagen only checks after the fact whether you are really entitled to the childcare benefit. Do you have any doubts? If so, first call the Dutch Tax Information Line (toll free).

Please keep this app open alongside the Toeslagen site. Then, we will help you apply step by step for the childcare benefit. Please always read the information provided on the Toeslagen site itself. You can find that explanation under the question mark.

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